Cuplock Systems & Supporting Systems

Cup lock scaffold systems is used to support steel as well as timber form works. Simplicity and the speed of erection makes it the most economical and widely used scaffolding systems in the world. This can be used for access work where the loading of scaffolds is light and for heavy loading applications like form work also. No special skills are required to erect and dismantle the systems.

Components & Features:

The major components of this scaffolding systems are

A. Verticals/Standards:

    1. Pipe 40 NB (OD 48.3 mm) ERW mild steel medium / heavy
    2. The connection points are set at every 500 mm vertical interval of standard vertical member.
    3. Top cups are made out of malleable cast iron.

    4. Bottom cups are made out of M.S forging

    5. Spigot s are available for continues connections.

    6. Verticals are available in standard sizes.
